The Indispensable Value of Leadership Training

Across all Organizational Levels

By: Greg Modd

Leadership training is often considered a strategic investment reserved for those climbing the corporate ladder. However, this approach misses a vital point: leadership qualities are crucial at every level of an organization, not just the top. While a substantial sum is funneled into leadership training annually, data suggests that the effectiveness of such training varies. Let's delve into the importance of leadership training for all levels and understand why even well-funded training can sometimes fall short.

Democratizing Leadership Development

Numerous companies invest in leadership training for senior roles or those in line for promotions, but leadership qualities can and should be developed at every level. From frontline employees to middle managers, leadership opportunities exist in every role. By democratizing leadership development, organizations can foster a culture where employees feel empowered, take initiative, and feel responsible for the company's success.

The Eye-Opening Spend on Leadership Training

According to a report from the Training Industry, companies in North America spent approximately $169 billion on training and development in 2019. A significant chunk of this goes to leadership development programs. This figure highlights that companies recognize the value of nurturing leadership skills. However, not all leadership training programs hit the mark even with this substantial investment. A Harvard Business Review survey found that only 7% of respondents believed their organizations effectively develop leaders. 

The Disconnect in Leadership Training

Despite the high spending, why do many leadership programs fail to achieve their objectives? Here are a few reasons:

Reimagining Leadership Training for Every Level

To capitalize on the benefits of leadership training, it's essential to:

Leadership training should not be a privilege but a norm at every level of an organization. While the current spending on leadership underscores its perceived value, addressing the disconnects in training is crucial. By doing so, companies can ensure they are producing leaders and champions who can guide their teams through challenges with agility, empathy, and vision.